The gang is mostly here to recap #TFClive’s match against New England, look ahead to the match against Nashville, talk about Jacob Shaffelburg’s loan out for the remainder of the season, wrap up the Women’s Euros, talk some #CanPL and Pacific’s “european” adventure, and the usual malarkey. In this episode Mark pitches his All-Star game idea (again), Kristin is surprised about players on Nashville (I know, right?) and Duncan, unsolicited, does an advertisement (what a gentleman!).
Show Rundown
- Segment 1: What’s been happening (5m17s)
- Segment 2: What we’re talking about (39m13s)
- Segment 3: What’s coming up (1h17m36s)
Show References
- Kit Nerd Corner, the kit podcast that Mark and Kristin do now
Support type things
- Support our Patreon. If you’d like to throw some change in the tip jar, please do so. Thank you to those for your ears and support, it’s immensely appreciated.
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- VMP Shop @ Zazzle for all your insane nerdy football shirt needs
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August 7, 2022
Their is a whole bit just waiting… playing with two away kits issue. Why?
Team is about to move to another city, they are warning the supporters…
The washing machine is broken again! The CPL laundry fund is severely underfunded. Luckily the away kit was clean. Though they could always advertise to the local nudists. New markets to capitalize on. Just saying…
The players are rebeling against the city. They have had enough of these ill bred boorish buffoons that reside here. This backwater that dares to call itself a city! The players are cultured, refined from high society. They refuse to wear the home kit. It’s not their home! To wear it would be slanderous to their very conscience! If forced then their rage for wearing this “home” kit would be untethered…