Episode 506 – 24/08/26 #PickledDeepFriedTony
The gang is mostly here to catch up on #TFClive vs Houston, preview DC United, #VCup semi-final second legs with TFC vs. Forge and Whitecaps v. Pacific, recap some #CanPL news, some #CanMNT news, Leagues Cup final (finally), and the usual malarkey. In this episode, Kristin pronounces Wydad correctly (that we know of), Duncan calls this round of the drone nonsense ‘shenanigans’, and Mark properly demonstrates the eroded...
Episode 501 – 24/07/18 #MrBrightside
The gang is mostly here to recap a bunch of games, including #CanMNT at Copa America, #CanWNT vs Australia, #TFClive vs Philadelphia and Miami, recap the first leg of the Voyageurs Cup semi-final round, say goodbye to a president, preview the weekend match vs Montreal, and the usual malarkey. In this episode, Mark threatens about quitting everything to start a rap career, Duncan is unimpressed with the forwards (and for good reason)...
Episode 500 – 24/07/08 #ForgeLikeJorge
The gang is mostly here to recap OMG CANADA IS IN THE SEMIFINALS OF COPA AMERICA!!! #TFClive is in a freefall with losses to Orlando and Columbus, #CanWNT has announced their squad, look ahead to the Voyageurs Cup semifinals, a visit from Philadelphia and the usual malarkey. In this episode, Mark thinks Canada could’ve got to the semi’s of the Euros too, Kristin gets full rights to have a go at Cyle Larin, Duncan is as...
Episode 498 – 24/06/27 #moreLikeLionelMissi
The gang is half here to recap a whole bunch of footie, #CanMNT vs Argentina and Peru, #TFClive vs NYRB, preview Canada vs Chile and Peru, TFC vs Atlanta, the nonsense around the Copa America, Quinn return, Kei legendary status, MediaPro drama conclusion and the usual malarkey as best as we could. In this episode Mark was probably saying ‘Carter’ when he meant ‘Kotter’ and Kristin is still proud of her tweet a...
Episode 497 – 24/06/10 #IDoLikeBalloons #VeryThickRectangle
The gang is here to recap a pile of international friendlies, #CanWNT hosting two matches vs Mexico, #CanMNT traveling to the Netherlands and France, talk about Marsch’s first two games in charge, talk some #CanPL matches, things happening in Columbus, preview #TFClive vs Chicago and malarkey. In this episode Kristin is shocked about the signing of an ex-TFC player out west, Mark makes a controversial bet/promise for Copa...