Episode 346 – 20/12/17 #SavedFromRegulation

Episode 346 – 20/12/17 #SavedFromRegulation

The gang is all here to talk #MLSCup and congratulations to #Crew96, #CanPL and the York United rebrand, talk some expansion drafts, free agency and the usual silliness. In this episode Mark dives into emotional semantics, Tony rebrands a fake team, Duncan gets many thanks, and Kristin does it again (but lacking the outtake this time). Show Rundown Segment 1: CanCon (4m34s) where we talk about York United’s rebrand, CSA’s...

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Episode 305 – 20/02/05 #DameSincy #FarmToTopOfTheTablePodcast

Episode 305 – 20/02/05 #DameSincy #FarmToTopOfTheTablePodcast

The gang is mostly hear with Soccer Today‘s Duane Rollins (@24thminute) to discuss the world’s greatest women’s player ever and the record she shattered, #CanPL to Ottawa is a thing and it’s coming at you faster than you can imagine, see TFC stuff and more of the usual. In this episode Duncan is a proven idea man, Mark points to invisible shirts, Kristin has a projectile amnesty this week and Duane delights the...

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Episode 276 – 19/05/22 #panicAdjacent

Episode 276 – 19/05/22 #panicAdjacent

The gang is half here with substitute Duane Rollins (@24thminute) to talk Toronto FC, #CanPL, #CanWNT, retirements and so much other nonsense as we watch V-Cup in the background. In this episode, Duane doesn’t do voices but he does, Mark punned the shit out a few things successfully, and Kristin doesn’t take umbrage to much surprise. Please visit the wonderful website Giovinco.ca if you haven’t already. Thank you for...

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CanMNT win, CanWNT tie. Neither impresses.

CanMNT win, CanWNT tie. Neither impresses.

So then, Soccer day in Canada was a bit of a let down yesterday wasn’t it? I’ll start briefly with the men’s side of things. First off, thanks to Gavin Day for bringing us a stream to watch in the first place, that more or less held up for the whole game, but also for doing a very good job with the commentating given the game didn’t really give him all that much to work with. Tesho Akindele played and is now...

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