Episode 346 – 20/12/17 #SavedFromRegulation
The gang is all here to talk #MLSCup and congratulations to #Crew96, #CanPL and the York United rebrand, talk some expansion drafts, free agency and the usual silliness. In this episode Mark dives into emotional semantics, Tony rebrands a fake team, Duncan gets many thanks, and Kristin does it again (but lacking the outtake this time). Show Rundown Segment 1: CanCon (4m34s) where we talk about York United’s rebrand, CSA’s...
Episode 345 – 20/12/10 #thanksForStuff
The gang is mostly here to discuss Forge’s exit from continental play, discuss the pending MLS Cup Final on Saturday between Columbus and the Sounding Enthusiasts, talk about TFC award winners and fresh coaching rumours, cover the Top 25 MLS Players according to MLS of all time, and the usual malarkey. In this episode, Kristin disappeared (or did she?) and then reappeared, Mark admits he’s a terrible Manchester United...
Episode 343 – 20/11/26 #UzbeksWhosGoingToGetTheFist
The gang is all here to talk about #TFClive and the disappointment against Nashville, the pending gutting of the team (if it were up to us), recap MLS, discuss some Voyageurs and #CanPL stuff, the return of Belarus Wins and Losses, and the usual malarkey. In this episode, Duncan comes up with an improved player introduction, Kristin has an identity crisis, Mark gets an elevator pitch version of what happened and Tony’s...
Episode 342 – 20/11/21 #bespokeDonut
The gang is all here to discuss so many f***ing awards, it must be that time of year again – #CanPL, MLS, and then we descend into the annual TFC review of how the season went (so far), preview the MLS playoffs, as well as the usual insanity. In this episode, we pour one out for our podcat, Tony proves his ability to read official league websites, Mark feeds into Tony’s charade, Duncan doesn’t give a shit about...