Episode 204 – 17/09/14 #DuncansTalking
The gang is all here and Tony is running the show for this one to review San Jose, look ahead to Los Angeles, hypothesize the future and the usual #bants. In this episode, Kristin dissents, Mark went for dryness instead of looseness, Tony offers everyone a delicious PB Pahong and Duncan takes a swing at Barnsley. Give us any rating on iTunes, when you get a chance. It would help immensely. Click here to listen to episode 204...
The Vocal Minority: New Site, New Badge, Same Attitude.
What is this that your eyes see? The Vocal Minority Podcast in text form? Don’t blink, don’t look away, just keep reading as we, the (sometimes) loony lot from the Vocal Minority Podcast return to our blogging roots. Yes it’s true, we’ve decided to go old school and get back to putting pen to the proverbial paper. The four of us have all written our own blogs, as well as writing together on The Yorkies and...