Episode 281 – 19/06/24 #DuncanMarkAndYou

Viva la revolucion! Mark and Duncan decide to take matters into their own hands while Kristin was delayed and record in a “safe space” to review the TFC match vs. Dallas, look ahead to both Atlanta and DC, review our #CanWNT at the World Cup and #CanMNT at the Gold Cup, review some #CanPL and significantly less threatening of violence. In this episode, Mark struggled to remember Tabla’s name, Duncan gives some British sportingisms and Kristin will be plotting her revenge next week likely with more carrots than one table should have.

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Click here to listen to episode 281

Author: Mark Hinkley

Mark is a full-time graphic designer, full-time smart ass and full-time logo, stadium and kit nerd. When he isn't writing ridiculous match reports or redesigning logos for his own amusement, he's salivating over the day that promotion and relegation occurs in MLS. You can follow him @kitnerdmark on the twitterz.

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