Episode 444 – 23/03/22 #SaintJesus

The gang is all hear to talk about the TFC win vs. Miami, look ahead to San Jose, talk some injuries, signings, rumours in general, NWSL on the TV, CSA on the hotseat with the government, #CanMNT vs Curacao and Honduras, and the usual malarkey. In this episode, Tony points out nuance in our comedy, Duncan has a suggestion for extra time, Mark wants less time wasting in his parliamentary discussions and Kristin has a very weak segue leading into a segment.

Show Rundown

  • Segment 1: What’s been happening (3m35s)
  • Segment 2: What we’re talking about (28m00s)
  • Segment 3: What’s coming up (1h18m32s)

Show References

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Click here to listen to episode 444

Author: Mark Hinkley

Mark is a full-time graphic designer, full-time smart ass and full-time logo, stadium and kit nerd. When he isn't writing ridiculous match reports or redesigning logos for his own amusement, he's salivating over the day that promotion and relegation occurs in MLS. You can follow him @kitnerdmark on the twitterz.

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  1. First of all, why does Mark Hinkley sound like he is podcasting from a bottomless pit? Second, not even a peep on Forge’s new home kit? Did I somehow miss it? Well I will say something…

    Chains on the new Forge shirt!? Really?!

    For the love of all things holy, ease up with all the damn chains! Come on! Are they promoting the team or the next Hellraiser movie?!

    Now it’s all starting to make sense. Someone in the front office solved the mysterious puzzle box. This isnt a rubics cube! A “toy” if you desire to play with forces of evil beyond your comprehension.

    The monstrous beings brought forth will be pleased in the trivial bargain of a few CPL trophies for eternal torment in their hands. Pinhead will grin at the sweet suffering that few are willing partners in.

    Those who summoned Pinhead and his minions will pay a heavy price! Paid in blood and pain!

    Oh no! The chains on the shirt have come alive! The iron is hot to the touch. The chains cling so deep into your body as the flesh burns. This torture is only the beginning, just imagine what depravity that is coming…

    You think you can escape?! Pinhead will grab those chains and drag you into a world like no other. This realm isn’t for the faint hearted. He has such sights to show you.

    A dark world of misery and a labyrinth of paths. Filled with grotesque abominations waiting for those foolish to enter. Some say these residents were once like you, but all humanity seems long gone. You might yell for help but the only sound you hear back are screams of lost souls being ripped apart.

    In different cultures this place goes by different names… hell, hades the underworld.

    But some folks from Toronto just call it Hamilton…

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