THE STARTING 11: Best Parts of Living With The Argos

See? The grass is fine! How many rain days have we had again?
CAW! No it’s not Bitchy Blanks time but that’s the sound of yours truly eating a little crow over the doom and gloom feelings I held about sharing BMO Field with The Argos. Like many out there, I fully expected the “soccer experience” to be akin to that of Gillette Stadium North this season. However, credit where credit is due – the grounds crew have done an excellent job in minimizing the effects. Hopefully this is a permanently satisfying aspect of the ground share but after a full season living with our CFL pals, there have actually been a few other positive outcomes…
11. Have learned to play nice and share the last 30 seconds of local TV sports reports
10. Double red and double blue mix together for a charming double purple
9. TFC didn’t have enough Roughriders as friends
8. Both teams keep the lights running for The Winter Classic
7. John Candy’s ghost is hilarious!
6. Bitchy the Hawk nests in an unclaimed helmet
5. Rocket Ismail and Mista now have a lot more in common
4. Leftover tailgaters usually give Nick Hagglund a lift home
3. Greg Vanney and Scott Milanovich’s fierce fashion battles
2. Divots in pitch easily filled with month-old chip buttys
1. That pine fresh new tight end smell
October 17, 2016
IMO we were very fortunate with long dry weather this summer & the Argos missing the playoffs(October/November weather is wetter/nastier ).
If this was so easy to manage, every NFL/CFL team would have grass by now ?
Don’t forget Grey Cup is Nov 27th & an MLS Conference Final game is scheduled to be played 3 days later, that could involve TFC at home…