Tim Bezbatchenko and Greg Vanney reveal TFC’s one vision
Today is the day when Tim Bezbatchenko and Greg Vanney focus on the re-entry draft get together with select media to discuss their ‘vision’ for TFC and the upcoming season. For some reason no-one here at the Vocal Minority is considered select enough to be invited, but not to worry. We got an advance copy of their presentation, and out of sheer spite at our exclusion, we’re going to share it with you dear reader, that’ll show them. They’re basing it on Queen’s One Vision which we’ve handily added here to give you an idea of the tune and we’ve fully transcribed it below. Enjoy, and just think, you didn’t have to drag your ass all the way to Downsview to listen to it.
Two men, no goals,
One mission.
One club, no soul,
Just one solution.
One play-off match, yeah,
One god, one dollar.
No D, No flanks,
One good midfielder.
One pass, one run,
One more turnover.
Wowowowo, gimme one vi$ion, yeah.
No wrong, no right
At this five year plan there’s no black and no white
No blood, no stain
All I need is one contract extension
One back, one wing,
One center forward
One coach, one scout
One ref decision
wowowowowow, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I had a dream when I was young
A dream of sweet illusions
No more Pittsburgh Riverhoundin’
Just visions of player unions
When a cold wind blows,
And a dark rain falls,
Share our pitch with Argos.
Look what we’ve done to BMO, yeah.
So give us your cash,
We take credit cards,
We’re ready.
There’s multiple private clubs
loge seats, luxury suites
yeah, one tunnel club
No heart, no fight,
Just play possession,
Heri-tage night,
A fake celebration, wowowowo, yeah
No (echo)
No vision
One back, one wing,
One center forward
One coach, one scout
One ref decision
yeah Timmy one more, yeah.
Timmy one hope, hey.
Just Timmy, ah.
One man, one man,
One D, one P,
One more, D, P.
Please Timmy Timmy, Timmy,Timmy
No Vision [fading]
Writers: Tim Bezbatchenko, Greg Vanney. Vocal Minority, mainly Tony and Mark.
December 18, 2014
There’s no MLS Cup for us,
There’s no Canadian Championship for us,
What is this thing that builds our teams, yet slips away from us.
Who wants to support TFC forever,
Who wants to support TFC forever…..?
There’s no chance for us,
It’s all decided for us,
This league has only one money grabbing owner set aside for us.
Who wants to support TFC forever,
Who dares to love TFC forever,
When love must die.
December 18, 2014
bloody hell, that’s haunting.
well done, but jesus, I need to go find a gun.
December 26, 2014
Janie’s Got A Gun (If you’re still looking mate)
December 18, 2014
We know that we said we embrace gallows humour – but are you trying to make us cry? (Fantastically done though).
December 26, 2014
In the MLSE board rooms, all they play is “I Want It All”.
TFC fans, meanwhile, keep “Another One Bites The Dust” teed up on repeat at the end of every season.