Episode 497 – 24/06/10 #IDoLikeBalloons #VeryThickRectangle

The gang is here to recap a pile of international friendlies, #CanWNT hosting two matches vs Mexico, #CanMNT traveling to the Netherlands and France, talk about Marsch’s first two games in charge, talk some #CanPL matches, things happening in Columbus, preview #TFClive vs Chicago and malarkey. In this episode Kristin is shocked about the signing of an ex-TFC player out west, Mark makes a controversial bet/promise for Copa America and Messi, and Duncan brags about seeing Albania play in Spain (probably again, we couldn’t remember).

Show Rundown

  • Segment 1: What’s been happening (4m05s)
    • #CanWNT vs Mexico
    • #CanMNT vs Netherlands and France
  • Segment 2: What we’re talking about (40m50s)
    • Jesse Marsch thoughts?
    • Nick Soolsma
    • #CanPL round-up
    • Columbus Crew news
  • Segment 3: What’s coming up (1h16m54s)
    • Preview #TFClive vs Chicago

Show References

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Click here to listen to episode 497

Author: Mark Hinkley

Mark is a full-time graphic designer, full-time smart ass and full-time logo, stadium and kit nerd. When he isn't writing ridiculous match reports or redesigning logos for his own amusement, he's salivating over the day that promotion and relegation occurs in MLS. You can follow him @kitnerdmark on the twitterz.

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1 Comment

  1. Halifax hasn’t won a single game this season! Has some kind of storm hit the area? It’s a disgrace to the historic city of Halifax what is happening to this team. This city stands for a long proud legacy.

    Of course Halifax has illustrious heritage. The folks in these parts will regale you with tales from the past. If you have the fortune to travel to this community and surrounding area, then remember you walk in the footsteps of great men.

    They represent ideals and virtues that we are hard pressed to match. But we must strive to reach the heights they have climbed. They have shown the way with their words and actions. A beacon to all those in Nova Scotia. We must wander forth to their guiding light.

    History is alive in these parts. To think in a distant future, alien civilizations from distant stars will come to beautiful Halifax. They will cherish the crumbling artifacts that still survive from many upheavals. It is here that humanity triumphed.

    Ask anyone in Halifax and they will tell you the words that they have heard from ages ago, yet their memories have not diminished. The elders speak of these wonderous events from days long past. They will tell the boys in the park. For the youth marvel at the exploits of these leaders. These stories can be heard all around town, in every house, apartment and trailer…

    It goes without saying I am referring to Trailer Park Boys.

    The legendary words that many in the area still say. Quotes that never grow old…

    “One man’s garbage is another man person’s good un-garbage.”

    “I’m gonna let the liquor do the thinking.”

    “I try to be a role model for kids around the park. If some kid wants to grow dope, they can come talk to me. Instead of growing dope six or seven times through denial and error, they’re gonna get it right the first time.”

    “You feel that? The way the shit just sticks to the air? There’s a shit-blizzard comin…”

    “..if you wanna tell the children they can’t do something they’re gonna want to do it more. When I was young I did all kinds of crazy shit and I turned out wicked. That’s because my dad was fuckin’ cool, he let me do shit.”

    “I am the liquor.”

    “Shit typhoon is a coming. We’d better haul in the jib before it gets covered in shit”

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