THE STARTING 11: Other TFC # 1 Needs

Giving us the finger since 2007
Clint Eastwood! That guy’s famous! Clint Irwin is MLS famous so that’s cool too. Just when the search for a # 1 goalkeeper started getting hand-wringingly anxious, TFC pulled off a sweet little deal that saw Mr. Irwin take his place in The Reds’ goal. A good deal in most eyes but while this “# 1” necessity has been taken care of, TFC still has a few more to go…
11. # 1 Assistant Regional Cap Wonker
10. # 1 Turf Paint Remover
9. # 1 Trophy
8. # 1 Timbits Kid Wrangler
7. # 1 Shirt Pinkener
6. # 1 Pyrotechnics Presser
5. # 1 Hawk Tickler
4. # 1 Canopy Duster
3. # 1 Jam on the Soul/RnB/Football Chant Charts
2. # 1 Future Ex-manager
1. # 1 Expectation Fluffer/De-Fluffer
January 25, 2016
Fireworks Coordinator! Must have some understanding of home and away goals in football.