THE STARTING 11: Reasons Why There Is No Starting 11

Toronto FC’s Collin Samuel (L) fights for the ball with Real Salt Lake’s Matias Mantilla during their MLS soccer match in Toronto September 15, 2007. REUTERS/Mark Blinch (CANADA)
Picture Supplied by Action Images *** Local Caption *** 2007-09-15T210928Z_01_MLS03_RTRIDSP_3_SOCCER-MLS.jpg
The Starting 11. It’s a feature that I have been writing faithfully and on a (mostly) weekly basis since 2009 – first on a little site called The Yorkies and now here. All in all, that’s about 3,850 quips about TFC that have drawn people to these sites in the dozen. Yup, people from Toronto all the way to Midtown Toronto interweb their way here to catch the latest Collin Samuel zinger. Sometimes over the last seven years however, a Monday has come and gone without your fresh from the oven SXI, and here’s why…
11. Lucky pink shirt in the dry cleaners
10. Hiding from a well armed Jacob Peterson
9. The Gambian joke-writing trialists in the basement not up to par
8. Collin Samuel ate my homework (ZING!)
7. Had to make space for Argos’ comedy-list bit “Third and Ten” that moved into this page last year
6. Writing workshops at Club Escobar a bad idea
5. Parade planning takes time
4. Taking days off to “get used to it”
3. Spent the week writing thank you notes to Raivis Hscanovics – missed my deadline
2. I’m on a Five Year Plan
1. Butty Poisoning