THE STARTING 11: Ways to Make The Voyageurs Cup More Popular
The Voyageurs Cup, The Canadian Club Championship, The Tournament Formerly Known as Nutcan; whatever you call this tournament it is Canada’s premier club competition. However, despite the Cup’s prize – a trip to the CONCACAF Champions League and an autographed Edmonton Brickmen jersey – it is a tournament that has issues. The Cup faces a substantial amount of unfair mainstream media maligning but worse, a great deal of fan apathy in the stadiums of the three MLS-based entrants. While the competition could do with a revamp that involves more clubs nationally, there are ways to increase its popularity immediately with a few easy changes…
11. Funny hats!
10. Give the actual Voyageurs Cup trophy a popular “Roll Up The Rim To Win” feature
9. The winners get Prince Edward Island
8. Go to three downs
7. Advertise the tournament as “The Road to Midweek Managua”
6. Just let Vancouver have a try once, ok guys?
5. Final held on Baffin Island
4. Losers must house the Argos for a year
3. Every club must field a bear in their starting XI
2. Rebrand it as “The Molson Canadian Lawn Hockey Finals”
1. Shirts vs. Pants
May 11, 2015
Do we win the feature or just get a free lease for a year? Three downs, I thought that was already in the works? Which team is the shirts, home or visitors?
May 11, 2015
It’s in a bit of an apathetic circle right now. MLS clubs play half arsed teams and show they don’t really care. thus the crowds go down, thus the teams see it as less important, thus the crowds go down etc etc. First few years at TFC, the crowds came and were enthusiastic, and the team treated it as something worth winning. Not any more apparently. Hopefully if and when TFC finally get that playoff thing out of the way, they’ll go back to taking this seriously as well.
Edmonton winning this thing would be fantastic.
anyway, apologies for the seriousness.
0 – have Elizabeth May give emotional half time speeches, Delia Smith style.
May 12, 2015
one word: spinoff!